SCORE Project: DegreeOverview
Title: A Course Definition System
Sponsor: Claudia Szabo
Understanding and visualising the relationships between courses and their proposed learning outcomes is fundamental when planning, designing and delivering university courses. Imagine how it would be if you enrolled in a socked programming course that had assumed Java knowledge but no Java or even no introductory to programming course had been taught at your university. This is an extreme case, however mismatches smaller or greater than this happen extremely often. Enter DegreeOverview, a tool that will allow course designers and students to visualize entire degrees as well as particular course sequences. DegreeOverview will allow both course designers and students to answer the eternal question: what have I learned in my degree?
Project Description
This program will allow University lecturers to define and relate the learning outcomes of each course with other courses within the degree.
The DegreeOverview has functionalities for lecturers and students:
For lecturers, these functionalities must include searching functions, and in addition (but not limited to):
- defining the relationships between the learning outcomes and the course assessment, such that it will be possible to see, for a particular assessment mark, how well the student achieved;
- visualizing the dependencies between learning outcomes across a degree;
- seeing aggregated results across a course or across a degree;
- seeing what courses offer a particular learning outcome.
For students, these functionalities must include searching functions, and in addition (but not limited to):
- visualising the dependencies between learning outcomes across a degree;
- seeing his or her performance on various learning outcomes;
- seeing what courses offer a particular learning outcome.
Project Scope
Your project needs to support all the features described above, but is not limited to them.
The choice of platform is up to you, but it must be web-based.
Process Requirements
Teams are free to choose the development process; however, this choice should be motivated and discussed in the project report. The project artifacts should be hosted on a public repository (such as GitHub or Bitbucket), to track the project activity (including bug reports and bug fixes).
Environmental Constraints
Level of Sponsor Involvement
The sponsor of this project will accept questions about the project topic during the periods:
- 1 March 2015 to 15 March 2015;
- 1 Jun 2015 to 15 Jun 2015;
- 1 Sep 2015 to 15 Sep 2015.
At least by the end of each of these periods (but possibly sooner), selected questions deemed important by the sponsor will be gathered and answered in a FAQ at the bottom of this page. Questions not appearing on the FAQ will not be answered, and teams will have to make their own assumptions for those questions; assumptions have to be included in the project report.
Sponsor contact: claudia (dot) szabo (at) adelaide (dot) edu (dot) au
Project Restrictions
Project FAQ
Answers to selected questions will appear here.