The SCORE Contest is aimed at promoting and fostering software engineering in universities worldwide. Participating teams will benefit from being part of an exciting new venture. For more information please read the SCORE Call For Participation.
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Score 2011 in Hawaii!
The finals of the 2011 SCORE Software Engineering Contest was held at ICSE 2011 in Hawaii. Teams from all over the world participated in a competition for students from undergraduate to master's level. Each team is developed a system chosen from a list and monitored by a committee member. The final deliverable was a report and accompanying system. Evaluation is based on the quality of all aspects of the software engineering process followed, as well as the outcome. In order to accommodate a wide range of academic calendars, the SCORE 2011 Contest ran from February 2010 to January 2011, with team registration ending in November 2010 and project submission starting in February 2010. A small number of finalist teams were announced in March 2011 and invited to ICSE 2011 in Hawaii.
Teams presented posters, made formal presentations, and demonstrated their software.
And the winners are ...
The competition was fierce, the projects were outstanding. After careful discussions of the merits and weaknesses of each project, the SCORE committee reached its decisions. The award for best application of formal methods was made to Yi Li, Hang Yang and Huanan Wu of National University of Singapore, and the overall award was made to David Bialik, Julian Fleischer, Hagen Mahnke, Konrad Reiche and André Zoufahl (Team SCETRIS) from Institute of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Earlier News
Finalists Selected
SCORE judging is in three stages. The first round is based on project summary reports, the second on a complete set of project artifacts (including implementation and documentation), and the final round at ICSE includes presentations, demonstrations, and posters in addition to previous materials. 56 teams submitted summary reports by the January 15 deadline, and of these 18 were selected to participate in the second round. In the second round of competition, five teams were selected as finalists.
Congratulations to the following teams for selection as finalists. Representatives of these teams have been invited to participate in the third and final round of competition at ICSE 2011 in Hawaii.
- Fateh Muhammad Bilal Baloch, Josip Petric, Igor Bucec, Sandi Winter, Xiaoyan Wan and Sureshkumar Yadav, Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (MDH), Sweden & University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), Croatia..
- QReative: Daniel Colomer Collell, Oriol Collell Martín, Xavier Oriol Hilari and Kenan Rhoton, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. Project:QR Marks the Spot. Create and play location-based games based on predefined templates, mobile-phones with Internet connection.
- Team Scetris: David Bialik, Julian Fleischer, Hagen Mahnke, Konrad Reiche and André Zoufahl, Institute of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Project: MyCourses. Schedule university classes and resources for a university.
- Yi Li, Hang Yang and Huanan Wu, National University of Singapore. Project: Transport4You, an intelligent public transportation manager.
- Augustin Petrovic, Manish Kungwani, Pratik Barkade, Omar Jaradat, Uma Shankar, Siva Eslavath and Umer Waqar, Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Sweden & University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia. Project: Building a Public Transportation Line. A a product core implementation and three three software products (instances) in a software product line.
Second Round Selection
In addition we would like to congratulate the 18 teams (out of 56 submissions) who advanced to the second round of competition, including the finalists listed above and also
- Gaurav Kushwaha, Dajan Zvekić, Dino Bartošak and Toni Pivčević. Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (MDH), Sweden & University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), Croatia. Project: Transport4You.
- Lachezar Yankov, Atanas Atanasov, Stanislava Bobcheva and Nikolina Shopova, Sofia University, Bulgaria. Project: MObul - Mass Observation (MOb).
- Team Kylin: Wang Xing, Yin Shun-Ming, Zhao Lu and Zhang Zu, Nanjing University, China. Project: QR Marks the Spot.
- Vice Simunov, Mislav Stipetic, Kaushik Mohanraj, Faiz Ul Muram, Lidia Tesfazgi Kahsu and Shamsul Alam, Mälardalen University, Sweden & University of Zagreb, Croatia. Project: EzFare - Transport4You.
- Jinru Hua, Yun Gao, Shiying Ge, Jinsheng Li and Yingya Zhang, Nanjing University, China. Project: Schema Map.
- Shashank Srikant, Sohil Arora and Kunal Sangwan, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India. Project: Transport4You.
- Dominik Holling, Andreas Hoerning and Tobias Wuechner, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Project: Transport4You.
- Tarik Teksen Tutal, Burak Aydin, Selcan Guner, Onur Yavuz, Bircan Doganay and Sercan Duyar, Bogazici University, Turkey. Project: Schematizing Maps.
- Kathilia Jimenez and Randell Conley, Hawaii Pacific University, USA. Project: Computer Training for Visually Impaired Automation Tool.
- Susanne Göbel, Maximilian Eckardt, Stephan Platz and Sean Buckheister, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. Project: QR Mark's the spot
- Ingo Witzky, Sascha Muller, Stefan Lindel and Janosch Henze, University of Kassel, Germany. Project: QueueR.
- Marcel Hahn, Christoph Eickhoff, Tobias George and Dennis Kroll, University of Kassel, Germany. Project: QBan.
- Viktor Botev, Miroslav Dzhokanov, Marin Georgiev and Tsanko Alexandrov, Sofia University, Bulgaria. Project: T4YBG - An Intelligent Public Transportation Manager.
Score 2011 registrations from around the world.
Registrations for SCORE exceeded our most optimistic projections. Registrations and submissions are closed. Consider using SCORE projects from 2009 and 2011 in your software engineering project course, and using outstanding student projects from 2009 (and soon from 2011) as examples for your students. We hope you will participate in a future offering of SCORE.
Flyers and web badges are available
Help promote SCORE 2011 by displaying a flyer and using the SCORE web badge to link here.
Project descriptions are available at the projects page.
For contest rules and other information about the competition see the SCORE Call For Participation.
If you are the instructor of a Software Engineering class at your
University, this page explains
how you can benefit from SCORE. (While SCORE 2011 is closed for new
registrations, we expect the SCORE tradition to continue.)
History of SCORE
The first edition of SCORE was part of ICSE 2009
in Vancouver, where the finals of the contest were held.
Through the SCORE 2009 website you can get a feel
for the competition (by looking, for example, at the
old projects).
You can find pictures of the SCORE 2009 winners on the ICSE 2009 post-conference pages, and on the pages of the Formal Methods Europe association, which sponsored one of the awards.
Program Committee
The program committee proposes projects, sets rules and policies, reviews project results, and selects finalists for SCORE 2011 in Hawaii. It is a substantial amount of work over a substantial period of time, and we are grateful to these leading researchers, teachers, and practitioners for volunteering their effort.
- Jaelson Castro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
- Ivica Crnkovic, Mälardalen University
- Daniela Damian, University of Victoria
- Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano
- Stuart Faulk, University of Oregon
- Steve Fickas, University of Oregon
- Mark Grechanik, Accenture Technology Labs and University of Illinois at Chicago
- Connie Heitmeyer, Naval Research Laboratory
- Mehdi Jazayeri, Università della Svizzera italiana
- Ernesto Kiszkurno, Pragma Consultores
- Tim Lethbridge, University of Ottawa
- Xiaoxing Ma, Nanjing University
- Dino Mandrioli, Politecnico di Milano
- Owen O'Malley, Yahoo
- Nico Plat, West Consulting BV and Formal Methods Europe
- Ita Richardson, Lero — The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre
- Kapil Vaswani, Microsoft Research India
- Alan Wassyng, McMaster University
- David Weiss, Iowa State University
- Laurie Williams, North Carolina State University
- Lian Yu, Peking University
- Minghui Zhou, Peking University
Matteo Rossi of Politecnico di Milano and Michal Young of University of Oregon chair the program committee.

The prize for use of formal methods in SCORE projects is generously sponsored by Formal Methods Europe. Additional support for SCORE provided by Infosys.